It was my first opportunity to hug the necks of women who have taught me and encouraged me through through their blogs in what has been a very trying year. And yet God used every minute of it to draw me closer and closer to Him.
There's Patty Williams,

Beth Herring and Yolanda Rogers,
Melena Cummings with Miesta Moose,
my new friend Georgia to name a few.
What a time of laughter, fellowship, worship and digging into the Word.
Thank You God for providing me with this opportunity to go and the means to make it happen.
The highlight of the entire weekend for me was the brief moment that I had to share personally with Beth Moore just how much she really means to me. She is a woman of integrity and honor. A woman who has caused me to want to dig deeper into God's Word, to desire to know Him better, to want to love Him with all of my heart.As her Pastor shared with us Sunday morning after service, "She is the real deal, no pretense. The same person you see on the stage is the same person off of the stage". What a blessing she has been to my life.
I am excitedly, looking forward to the next Siesta gathering in 2012. There are so many of you that I have yet to meet. There is nothing better in the entire world than time spent with women who share the same passion and love for the One True God. Thank You for making my first live LPM event an 'Event of a Lifetime'.

Thanks for sharing, Lisa! YES, I feel so blessed and content today. As I scurry around catching up on laundry and take care of my kiddos, I keep pausing for special moments to let it all sink in.
Have a wonderful week!!
You are the REAL DEAL and what a blessing that is to me and my heart. I love you and appreciate you so very much. I'm still processing all the special little "nuggets" from our special weekend together.
Praise the LORD!!! This is so wonderful Lisa for all of you to be able, by GOD's grace to come together off line and share HIM together. Beautiful!!
Love you all.
I think I saw you and Yolanda but i didn't know your bloggy names and who you were. Awww! What a weekend God gave you! You have such a tender heart!
It sounds like you all had a Glorious time!! How very cool to meet each other in "real life"!!
The passion of Jesus shines bright through all of you! Real deals indeed!!
Didn't we just have the best time? It was so awesome to meet you in person and spend the afternoon with you and Debbie and Yolanda.
We all had such a great time in the Lord and even enjoyed a little Starbucks together! Amen!
In Him,
Beth Herring
So good to meet you at the airport! It was such a special weekend. I hope we do it again in 2012! To be in the presence of 507women who all share a love of God with their whole being - awesome!
Keep pressing your verses in your heart! Congratulations for all of your hard work. God is SO good!
Love from a sister in Michigan!
Angie xoxo
So sweet! it was great meeting you!:) We had a blast!
what a lovely story and post and picture of sisters meeting for a great event.
I saw the write up over at Yolanda's and I saw you were there too.
I have missed your visits to my blog, dear Lisa.
But you are one blog sister I really love!
Looks like fun! So glad that you had a wonderful time.
It was such a blast! I'm so glad they added the Mr. Linky so I can finally have time to bounce around and find some fellow siestas! I never have time when there are 2,000 some posts but I can handle about 50 that are up so far!
I LOVE the picture at the top of your blog!!!! Is that a place you visited or did you get that pic online? I love the mountains and I enjoy hiking them. I'd love to put this picture on my desktop. I think mountains display a bit of God's majesty!!!
It was such a wonderful time of being drawn to the Lord! Wish we would've met!
Thanks for stopping by theleakingwindow
Hi Lisa,
It did not work out for me to go to Houston this time, so it is fun reading about it on the links. I see it was the wonderful time I thought it would be. :)
I LOVE the picture of the mountains at the top of your blog (even thought my favorite place on the planet is the ocean).
Thanks again!
Wow! How exciting! I learned memory verses right along with you, but am glad you were able to attend the event!
There is nothing like that feeling of contentment with our Savior.
So glad that you enjoyed your time at the retreat.
And, by the way, I follow Beth and Yolanda's blogs.
All three of you bless me.
Sweet dreams.
Oh, Lisa, you just sound so excited and delighted to have been in Houston with so many godly women, and they with you as I consider you one too!
Thank you for sharing what that countdown was truly all about.
Loving you, ~ linda
In reading this again and seeing the pictures, I can't tell you how awesome and exciting it was to finallt meet you in person!! I can't wait to do it again!
I so wanted to be at the Siesta event but we had planned a family vacation for the same week. I have loved reading all your posts. Enjoyed reading your post and will be back often..
Lisa, what a sweet post. I'm so glad you got to go and meet wonderful ladies from blogging experiences. God is so good. selahV
Sure looks like you sista's had a blast!! I recognize bloggy friends Patty and Beth in the photos and I know they were blessed beyond measure at the conference. Lord willing, I would love to go next year!!
Thanks for sharing!
Sweet Blessings!
My dear Lisa,
It was so much fun and what a blessing to go to Houston with you for SMT! Awesome to meet Yoland, Beth, Patti, many awesome women of God...real relationships over a computer, amazing. Getting pictures and takling with Mama Beth and Travis, so encouraging and gives strength to continue in the Journey. Great Super Bowl party last night, too!
love you,
Came back by today to love on you.
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing your weekend with the Siestas with us! Wish I could have been there with y'all. Love, love LOVE the pictures!!! :) Mississippi
Thinking of you and praying for you dear sister. Love you much.
Sending my love and prayers for you today sweet sister.
Girlfriend, please, please, please come back. I HEART YOU!
I have been missing you and hope to "see" you soon!
This is so wonderful Lisa for all of you to be able, by GOD's grace to come together off line and share HIM together. Beautiful!!
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It's been more than a year since your last post... and I've visited a few times.
Lifting up a prayer for you.
Stopping in to send my love to you Sweet Sister! I pray that all is well!
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