Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lovin some Chik-fil-A

My post will be short today as I'm on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! PRAISE GOD! I am so ready for some time away. Tomorrow we will head to CA, so keep us in your prayers.

I ran across a little funny I'd like to share with you. Enjoy! Don't forget to come back for Saturday Steps of Faith!


Yolanda said...

Are you telling me that your headed for a Chick-Fil-A?

Beth Herring said...

I hope that you have a fantastic time on vacation! Try and relax a little and just enjoy the time off.

I look forward to joining you Saturday for Steps of Faith.

Many blessings my friend,

Crown of Beauty said...

That was so funny! How in the world did you ever find that clip? We don't have Chick Fil A here, but I imagine it must be good! (Subway's not gonna like it, though!)