Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lavished Love

What a time away! God has been so good to me. I left on vacation totally spent. I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. I arrived in CA to the love of family and just a wonderful time.

We had a cookout the second day as my whole family came together at my parents home. I honestly can't remember a time when I laughed so hard. My brother and sister-in-law telling the story about her playing "four-square" with the fourth graders and the injuries she sustained had us all in stitches.

On Sunday I visited my old church and I cannot adequately express the overwhelming sense of love that I felt. This verse comes to mind.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
It was so good to be at home with Gods people once again. Just a glimpse of what the fellowship will be like when we all get to heaven. Oh how I'm looking forward to that day.
This is my Heart Friend Connie. We've sure been through some times together. On Tuesday we went to breakfast and spent the day in a beautiful park, just taking in God's glory. We shared from our hearts..., (although I think I did most of the talking as I unloaded everything that I had been holding in). Thank You God for allowing her to be your ears, your hands, your heart to me that day.

I spent the afternoon and evening with the most precious family I know, the Tajima's. Cindi is one of my Heart Friends - God has definitely knit our hearts together as one. Before leaving that night the entire family joined in a circle and each one prayed for our family. What a gift they have been to our lives.

On Wednesday we headed to the coast for what Randy calls my "Sand Therapy". There's something about the ocean, the waves and just running your hands through the sand. As my Sister, Brother-in-law, Jonathan and I walked the beach at Pismo, God just ministered to my heart. With every sand dollar or sea shell I collected it was as if the stress and strain of life was lifted away.

Just walking and giving praise to my Lord for all that He has done. Exalting His name for Who He is! He is King of King and Lord of Lords. He is Creator of all of the beauty I was seeing. He is the composer of the symphony that I was hearing each time that the waves crashed on the shore. He sent the sun to shine brightly on my skin and the Son to shine brightly in my soul. Oh how He loves me.

Thank You God for lavishing your love on me through my family (especially my sister), through my Heart Friends, through your church, through all of creation! I am truly overwhelmed! Who am I that you would love me this way?


Yolanda said...

Can you and I even begin to fathom how He is beaming because you, Lisa, are bragging on Him and how He ministered to your much needed heart and soul? :-)

Lovingly as you continue to SOAK in Him,

Crown of Beauty said...

I am so happy to read about your vacation, and how God ministered to you. Thank you for sharing the stories and the pictures. I know you were re-charged and refreshed with that much needed time away! Hold on to those good memories, Lisa! I'm so glad you're back on blogworld, too!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

What a wonderful vacation you had! Thank you so much for sharing it with us through words and pictures! Everybody needs a time of refreshing sooner or later.

Wanted to let you know that I am doing a giveaway on my blog today and tomorrow for my 1-year-blogging-anniversary. Come on over and enter!

God bless,

Beautiful Grace said...

That's a wonderful repart of your vacation. Thanks, Jesus, for blessing Lisa in this way! :)