Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Best - Far Less

Who doesn't love a wedding? Jesus and His disciples joined His mother and family at a wedding celebration in Cana of Galilee. The hearts and lives of a bride and groom had been joined together in holy matrimony - in the presence of God - literally .

Everyone was enjoying the festivities (see John chapter 2) when the servants began to notice the wine was down to it's last drops. This was a tragedy and would be a disgrace for the newly married groom. Mary gets wind of the situation and goes to her Son Jesus with a plea for His help.

Although Jesus rebukes her gently for her request (due to its timing), He begins giving instructions to the servants. Six stone water jars (holding 20-30 gallons each) were filled to the rim with water. Jesus, then told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet." And they did just as He directed.

Upon tasting the miraculous wine, the chief servant called the groom over and remarked, Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."

As I read these words this morning I began to wonder, "What in my life have I thought to be the best, but in reality is just a cheap imitation when compared to what God has for me?" Are there areas where I am settling for less than His best?

I've been working through the Esther study and have been learning about destiny. A young orphan girl, adopted by her male cousin, living in exile, herded into the Kings harem, destined to be queen - destined to save her people.

I don't know about you, but I want to fulfill my destiny. I want Gods best and nothing less.

11 Jesus performed this first sign in Cana of Galilee. He displayed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.

Father, I want to bring You glory. Keep me from settling for anything less. Esther fulfilled her destiny. Jesus fulfilled His destiny. Lord, I don't want to fall short. Fulfill Your destiny in me.


Patty said...

What a great word!!! I prayed your pray at the end for myself!

Have a great day!

Crown of Beauty said...

Dear Lisa,
It's been a while since I last visited, but now I'm slowly getting back to reading my friends's blogs. Glad to have some time at your blog place. Yes, like you I never want to miss out on the destiny that God has planned for me.

Right on! I don't want cheap imitations. I want the real thing. THis is the third time these past weeks that Jesus has spoken this story to me. May it really sink in, for if He repeats something it means there is an important message for me to hear!

Hope you and your family are doing fine...


Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Lisa, I have had so much unexpected stuff going on the past few weeks that I have not gotten to visit you lately! This is so true for most of us I think....we settle so easily for LESS than the best! It shouldn't be so but it happens.

Thanks for the insight today! Mississippi