Monday, January 5, 2009

Intentional Encourager

Happy Monday to you! I'm not normally a "Happy Monday" kinda gal - especially after being off of work for two weeks on vacation. This morning I returned to the office to find hundreds of emails begging to be read, tons of catching up to do on "who did what", and a laundry list of things that demanded my attention(all with deadlines of last week of course). And yet it was a Happy Monday. What made the difference?

Last night in my quiet time I began to reflect upon how hard the last 18 months have been. So much discouragement, disappointment and sadness. Traveling down a road I never expected to travel. Blind-sided by hard, hard lessons. Life in this fallen world can be so over-whelming. I don't know how people who don't have a relationship with God make it through. By His grace He has led me to the other side of darkness, to a place of overwhelming joy and peace. The kind of joy that you just have to share. God impressed upon me that today my mission was to be an 'Intentional Encourager".

It has been said that we hold the power of life and death - not in our hands.., but in our tongues. Think about that for just a second. That's pretty daunting. Paul wrote about it in Ephesians 4 when he said:

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV)

Think about it. We are surrounded by people each and every day who are so discouraged. Beaten down by all that life has thrown their way. Life is hard, but we must never forget that our God is so good. We who are Christ-followers have a mission that we must take seriously, to encourage those who are around us, to be sensitive to those who are in need, to listen to those who have no one to share with, and just love them in Jesus name.

My Monday this week was a Happy Monday because I intentionally set out to make a difference in someones day. Lord lead me to someone EVERY day who needs to be encouraged. It costs me little more than time, but it pays off in a harvest as the seeds of faith are sown and watered in the people you allow me to share your joy with.

Will you be an Intentional Encourager too?


christa jean said...

Hi Lisa!
Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog. You have such a sweet spirit.

In reading your sidebar, I'm excited for you as well! You are intentionally pursuing the Father and He will reward you. I too love Beth Moore and I especially LOVE the song you quoted.

I am inspired to take a look at my own passion... it may be lacking as well.
Thank you for your openness.

Anonymous said...

With a large family,I find it difficult to say thank you! To be honest,I expect my family to thank me. Making Monday "Intentional Encourager" a challenge I will take.Let ask that you give me a chance to get a firm handle on Monday!

Your my new friend!

Jenne from Houston,TX.
(I do not feel comfortable with giving out my email quite yet)


Hi! Found you on Patty's blog, God is Able. Enjoyed your intentional encourager... that says alot. 2008 was a year that we too have struggled with...that's why I was so excited about 2009 because I'm looking for a fresh start again. I'm like David in asking God..."restore unto me the joy of thy salvation"!! Know what I mean?

Thanks for your encouraging words.