Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Steps of Faith #9

Steps of Faith

This week I would like to change things up a bit. I would like to use today's Saturdays Steps of Faith for each of us to choose a Promise from the Word of God to take a Step of Faith and believe.

I invite you to join in. All you need to do is copy the button located on the left sidebar. Paste it into your post. Next write down the Promise from the Word of God you are taking a step of faith and believing. Maybe it's one you have stood upon in the past. Last, come back here and link up with Mr. Linky.

Here's the verse that I am choosing for this week:

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of your hands.
Psalm 138:8
Nothing in my life just happens. There are not accidents. There are no coincidences.

The Everlasting God, who was and is and is to come has a purpose for my life. Can you believe it? Little old me. I love how it says He "will fulfill" it. Not might, not will try.., He will fulfill his purpose. I serve a God who never fails. Quit is not in His nature. He never leaves a project half done.

Why does He do it? Because He loves me! How long will He love me? Forever! Will He ever walk away from me? Not on your life!

As I dream about the future, as I make plans, Lord direct my path. I want my plans to be Your plans for me. I want each step today and every day in the future to be a step of faith and obedience. Father I am trusting you to fulfill Your purpose in me! Thank You for your lavish love. At times it truly overwhelms me just how much You love me! You are a Father like no other. I love you! In the matchless name of Jesus - Amen

How about you?

What promise are you ready to step out and believe?

Won't you please join me?


Marilyn in Mississippi said...

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there as I in the midst of them." Matthew 18: 20

I believe this applies to blogging also when we "gather" and talk about the Lord. When we agree together, even though we are not physically in the same building, I think God meets with us!


Crown of Beauty said...

I am praying with you, dear Lisa, that God will fulfill His purposes in your life at the perfect time.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, as I read your comment for my Sunday's post (He Knows My Name) I clicked on your site to read new posts from you. Believing God for His promises is what He calls us to do. He wrote them in His Book for us to see, take to heart and believe. He truly will fulfill His purposes for our lives as we align with Him in this earthly walk. I pray with you as well.
Thank you for your ever-kind words on this journey that we share online.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda